Limestone DSB

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Limestone DSB

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LDSB will augment student learning with the meaningful integration of technology (TPACK and SAMR model). Web tools and Apps will be used to reveal and respond to student thinking throughout the curriculum. There will also be a focus on supporting teaching and learning mathematics through problem solving and math processes (communication of student thinking, reasoning/justifying, connecting). With the power of “co” in mind, teacher and student will engage in co-learning using network platforms (Google Apps for Ed, Office 365). This will be their first year of navigating these multi-faceted tools.

Success Criteria: 

  • Increase the Limestone LC Community to a more equitable representation from across the Board
  • Improve effective use of Apps and Tools for Math teaching and learning through problem solving
  • Gain greater fluency in planning for learning using the TPACK model and consideration of the SAMR continuum
  • Engage participants in active networking (teacher and student level) via GAFE, Office 365

Read about Anita's Visit to LDSB.

View LDSB's PowerPoint.

Limestone DSB - LC Project 2014-2015 Video