About ABEL

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About ABEL

The ABEL Program employs a research-based approach to support the effective use of new and existing technological tools. ABEL encourages innovation through knowledge sharing, public and private sector partnerships and collaboration.

Founded in 2002, ABEL is lead and supported by York University and the York Region District School Board. ABEL has gained a reputation for excellence and expertise in developing 21st Century skills for teaching, learning, training and working.


ABEL strives to improve results through its networks for knowledge sharing and collaboration and its professional learning programs. Through both public and private sector partnerships and a research-based approach, ABEL integrates new and existing technologies in teaching and learning. This combination of networks, partnerships, and a focus on research drives innovative models for teaching, training and learning and creates opportunities for transformation.

ABEL connects researchers, educators, public and private sector organizations and other affiliated partners through the program’s services:

  • Professional Learning
  • Access to technological tools and support
  • Access to learning resources
  • Innovation and mobilization through research
  • Technical and pedagogical consulting services
  • Media services 


Innovate: Build potential.

Collaborate: Harness collective knowledge.

Transform: Create value and new opportunities.

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