Near North DSB

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Near North DSB







NNDSB will use iPads to create and produce evidence of learning during student inquiry-based projects. Using the new SSHG curriculum as a foundation for student inquiry learning students will use the app Explain Everything (text, audio, video, photos) to document their leaning thereby using technology to enhance their literacy skills. The students’ inquiry projects will help to build literacy skills during the process of planning the inquiry, doing research, choosing sources, and compiling their results. In addition, build capacity among teachers and students using two tools contained in Office 365, which their board is introducing. For example, students will collaborate and share using the Share Document feature in One Drive.  

Success Criteria:

  • Students will gain an in depth understanding of the curriculum topic and meet the learning goals that are identified
  • Students will become proficient using aspects of Explain Everything
  • Students will collaborate on research and writing using One Drive
  • Teachers will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Explain Everything, One Drive and Lync


Read about Anita's Visit to NNDSB

View the NNDSB PowerPoint

Near North DSB - LC Project 2014-2015 Video